Couch Potatoes: How We Nap #SOLSC24 15/31

We days lie around hibernating in semi-conscious awareness some days.

MSNBC Deadline White House talking heads hold the attention of a partially opened eye—mine—while my right hand rests on the remote, ready to fast-forward through myriad medical sales pitches.

I’m napping—sort of—on my ginormous hugger couch, but I’m not alone. Stanley Tucci, our stinky dog, nestles his body near my back. Sometimes his furry fanny gets close to my face and leaks methane I involuntarily sniff.

Most days Snug hides behind the hugger near my husband’s office, but Thursday afternoon he has other ideas. His doggie sense notices sunshine streaming through the windows, and he must have noticed warmer weather when he ventured into the yard. He wants to go! But it’s not time. Children are at school using Snug’s and Stanley’s *doggie park* as a playground.

Snug napping

Snug barks. Snug jumps. He smacks his dad’s legs with his paws and paces back to his napping spot. He has accepted it’s not time yet.

Hero, our tuxedo cat, indulges in a midday nap in her bed upstairs away from the dogs and Luna, the crazy cat interloper.

Hero in her bed.

Even Luna—a cat who often frightens Stanley, loves creating a racket, and makes me wonder what she has destroyed—is hiding upstairs in my son’s old room, cat napping.

Luna likes napping in my sink.

Soon Ken will commence snoring from his end of the couch. Maybe I’ll ask him if he’s awake.

Ken sitting in Ketchum (Sun Valley), Idaho.

In fifteen minutes I’ll leave for my massage appointment. I think I’ll rest up for the drive.

I set my phone’s timer at ten minutes, curl my legs into a fetal position, place my head on my faux mink throw, and close my eyes.

Napping prep requires intention and effort.

This is Thursday, and I am tired.

*Featured Image: Stanley on my faux mink throw.

11 thoughts on “Couch Potatoes: How We Nap #SOLSC24 15/31”

  1. Glenda, the pictures make this post even more endearing. One of my all time favorite children’s books is The Napping House by Audrey Wood, and this brings those memories of everyone napping. Have you read it? The end has a surprise – after the rain ends. In your case it could be after the snow and cold end and a playground awaits. This is my favorite part of your slice: Stanley Tucci, our stinky dog, nestles his body near my back. Sometimes his furry fanny gets close to my face and leaks methane I involuntarily sniff.
    Oh, friend, that brings a toot of truth.


  2. Glenda, your words create such striking images and sensory appeal. I can feel your weariness but can imagine the joy you must have experienced at the masseuse. I had to laugh at your comment about asking Ken if he was awake and your descriptions of your fur babies. Why do cats love to sit in sinks?


  3. I love how you took us through nap time for each member of your family. My favorite line was “ Sometimes his furry fanny gets close to my face and leaks methane I involuntarily sniff.” I’m not going to lie, giggled like a kid! Mostly because I can completely relate! I’ve got an old lady yorkie myself who has similar… scents. Thanks for the laugh this morning!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You have created Glenda’s Napping House! This is so filled with “laze” and comfort. Just wonderful. Your humor is so sly – “I think I’ll rest up for the drive.” Love it!!

    Ha, I am just now seeing Kim’s comment- we were on the same wavelength, with Audrey Wood.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I don’t know how I missed this one, but the photos really make it pop. I love those moments when everyone is napping – although in our house “everyone” is me & the animals; the teenage boys don’t really nap at all. 😆

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  6. Ah, the napping all sounds heavenly. It reminds me of having young children in the house and the goal was always to have everyone sleep at the same time, so I could sleep too. That’s a lot of fur kids! At least I guess they don’t have to nap at the same time you and Ken do. A massage sounds great; I hope yours was.

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