Non-scriptural Handwriting #SOLSC24 29/31

A ten-hour drive in a rickety van that occasionally broke down during trips to college debate tournaments necessitated finding ways to entertain ourselves in the late 1970s and early 1980s before smartphones or even iPods were part of Steve Jobs’s imagination. We performed van olympics, rewrote hymns, practiced our speeches, did homework occasionally, and composed… Continue reading Non-scriptural Handwriting #SOLSC24 29/31

Keeping Women in the Kitchen with Fundie Baby Voice #SOLSC24 9/31

All the world’s a stage. / And all the men and women merely players;… William Shakespeare After preparing a delicious dinner featuring Mahi Mahi in Lemon Garlic Cream Sauce, seasoned fries, buttered corn, and cheesy biscuits, I settled onto my family room couch to watch the State of the Union address and the GOP response… Continue reading Keeping Women in the Kitchen with Fundie Baby Voice #SOLSC24 9/31

An Epiphany of Faith #SOL24

I sat in the back of a church sanctuary in Springfield, Missouri awaiting the evening’s speaker. I was there under duress, coaxed into attending by my Aunt Fern, so I drove the thirty miles from Bolivar, Missouri where I attended college to listen to the founder of Lynchburg College (now Liberty University) , Jerry Falwell,… Continue reading An Epiphany of Faith #SOL24