Goodnight, Sweet Puck #SOL22

Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet [Puck}; and flights of angels sing you to your rest.

William Shakespeare, Hamlet

We made the heartbreaking decision to bid our beloved doggy Puck adieu and help him cross over the rainbow bridge last Friday in the most humane way we could. We’ve been bracing ourselves for this sad day many months as Puck’s health continued deteriorating. By the time we said our final “I love you” and reassured our beautiful boy of his place in our hearts, his broken body could no longer keep up with his exuberant spirit.

2010 Haystack Rock on the
Oregon coast

Puck was so much more than a pet. He filled a void in my life after my border collie Weebles died in 2009 while I was away at summer school at the U of Idaho. In June 2010 a few days after the school year ended, Puck peeked out of the pages of our local paper, the perfect advocate for adopting a rescue from the local shelter. My heart melted, and I hurried to the Pocatello Animal Shelter to get my boy before he stole another human’s heart.

2013 Puck playing ball, his favorite activity,
at his favorite playground.

We did not rescue Puck. He rescued me. He saved me from the loneliness of the empty nest and the long days of summer alone in the house. Had Puck not adopted me, we’d not have Snug, whom we adopted to keep Puck company while we worked. During these difficult days grieving Puck’s passing, Snug offers comfort. Even the cats are being extra friendly.

Puck w/ my granddaughter Kayla 2013

Puck taught Snug to socialize. The neighbor children loved Puck and rewarded him with head pats during our runs and walks at the elementary school playground near our home.

We are grieving. I find myself crying at odd times, but we know we made the best decision, one filled with love for our beloved Puck. As our veterinarian, a compassionate woman, said, “It’s time.”

In 2016 Puck dislocated his paw,
necessitating a metal plate be inserted.

And so it was. Puck made us better people. He made kindness and acceptance his life. He has been a constant presence in our home over 12 years. I do not know how to be or how I’ll be in this world without my Puck.

2020 helping mom practice yoga.

Soon Puck’s ashes will arrive. The nameplate will read:

Puck / a good dog who / made us better / June 2010-November 2022

9 thoughts on “Goodnight, Sweet Puck #SOL22”

  1. Glenda, I almost didn’t read this yet. But I fell in love with the quote, the pictures, the you of writerhood and your way. What a beautiful, heartfelt tribute to Puck. I’m profoundly saddened by your loss – I wish there were a way to bottle up all the love of a dog and keep it…..and I guess there is…, memories, moments of feeling them close when we see those who knew him and loved him, too. Prayers and hugs, my friend. 2022 has brought its challenges for sure, but what a comfort we have in each other and in writing. See you Thursday!

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